Creating a unit transfer (domestic, international or SEPA)
Prerequisite: Refer to Terminology, Prerequisite and Rights.
- Select Payments > Transfer > Unit transfer.
- Click on Add new unit transfer. The Add new unit transfer screen is displayed.
- Select the account to be debited.
- Select the account of the beneficiary. From the Creditor account drop-down list, you can:
- Select one of the beneficiaries registered in your third party database.
- Create a new beneficiary by clicking on Add new third party.
- Select an account belonging to your company if you wish to make a treasury transfer.
- Check and modify if necessary the execution date of the transfer.
- Enter the amount of the transfer.
Note: If you wish to define the transfer amount later, you can enter 0 or leave the field empty (in this case, when saving the transfer, the amount will automatically be 0). The transfers with 0 must be deleted or modified in order to be sent to the bank.
- The Currency field displays EUR if it is a SEPA transfer. If it is a domestic transfer, the creditor account currency is displayed. If it is an international transfer, the currency displayed is the one of the country entered in the Bank country field when creating the third-party and their account.
Note: You can modify the currency of International transfers, but not for SEPA and domestic transfers.
- Enter the motive of the transfer. You can define several motives by clicking on
- Depending on the transfer data you have just entered, Iziago automatically selects the type (SEPA, Domestic or International) and the sub-type (Ordinary or Treasury) of the transfer .
- Click on Save. The Edit unit transfer screen is displayed. If you wish, you can quickly create a new unit transfer by clicking on Add new unit transfer at the top of the screen.
You can configure the Iziago APIs to create unit transfers from your internal applications.
Displaying unit transfer data (domestic, international or SEPA)
Prerequisite: Refer to Terminology, Prerequisite and Rights.
- Select Payments > Transfer > Unit transfer. By default, the table displays all existing unit transfers that you are authorized to display (domestic, international or SEPA transfers).
- To find a transfer easily in the table, you can:
- Change the sort order of a column by clicking on its heading.
- Perform a search. To do so:
- Click on Search. The search section is displayed.
- Enter the appropriate fields and then click on Display. A table of results is displayed.
- To display the transfer data, click on the transfer in the table. The transfer is displayed in the Edit unit transfer screen.
Downloading a unit transfer (domestic, international or SEPA)
This procedure enables you to download a domestic, international or SEPA transfer file as a .xml file. You can then send the file to your bank by your own means.
The standard (SEPA or ISO 20022), the format (for example pain.001.001.003) and the .xml file name depend on the payment settings.
- Ensure that the transfer to be downloaded is displayed in the Edit unit transfer screen. If it is not:
- Select Payments > Transfer > Unit transfer.
- Click on Search. The search section is displayed.
- Enter the appropriate fields and then click on Display. A table of results is displayed.
- In the table, click on the unit transfer you wish to download. The transfer is displayed in the Edit unit transfer screen.
- Click on Download at the top or at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you have not registered your bank's website address, a window is displayed. We advise you to fill in with the address of your bank's website, this will enable you to be redirected to this website once your transfer has been downloaded. Enter the address and click on Save. If you do not wish to enter your bank's website address, click on Ignore.
- The authentication window is displayed. Enter the 4-digit code on your authentication card corresponding to requested box, then click on Confirm.
- The remittance is downloaded to your desktop and then considered, for Iziago, as sent to the bank.
Note: If you have the Cash Forecasting module, a treasury forecast is automatically generated for the debtor account. A forecast is also generated for the creditor account if the creditor is a sender account registered in Iziago.
- A window is displayed. You can:
- Print a confirmation,
- Send the transaction notifications,
- Copy the remittance into a template.
- Do not forget to send the downloaded transfer to your bank by your own means.
Note: If you have entered your bank's website address, Iziago opens the page of the entered website in a new tab so that you can import the downloaded file quickly.
You can configure Iziago APIs to download files for your unit transfers in XML format from your internal applications.
Editing a unit transfer (domestic, international or SEPA)
- Ensure that the transfer to be edited is displayed in the Edit unit transfer screen. If it is not:
- Select Payments > Transfer > Unit transfer.
- Click on Search. The search section is displayed.
- Enter the appropriate fields and then click on Display. A table of results is displayed.
- In the table, click on the unit transfer you wish to edit. The transfer is displayed in the Edit unit transfer screen.
- Enter or edit the necessary information of the transfer.
- Click on Save.
Deleting a unit transfer (domestic, international or SEPA)
- Select Payments > Transfer > Unit transfer. You can:
- In the table, click on
on the line of the transfer to be deleted.
- Search for the transfer to be deleted:
- Click on Search. The search section is displayed.
- Enter the appropriate fields and then click on Display. A table of results is displayed.
- Click on Delete.
- In the confirmation window, click on Delete.